Our Set Menus
Our day and night menus surprise with a different and fun cuisine
Menu of the day
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays

Paella with squid, mushrooms and
garlic mayonnaise

Mushroom volauvent over supreme
green pepper sauce

Tolosanas beans with its sacraments and
country chilies

Scorpionfish pudding with avocado, crab and
pineapple salad and orange sauce with rum

Carpaccio of marinated salmon with
Greek salad

Various cakes, cheese with quince,
fruit or ice cream

maldon salt and spicy potatoes

home’s potatoes and vegetables

Chicken Mexican Fajitas with
wheat pancakes and barbecue partatas
Bread and Wine Designation of Origin Navarra
or Water
On Egin! · Bon Appétit · Enjoy your meal